Fear is critical to our survival. It keeps us protected from legitimate threats and danger. But the thing is, if we only had life threatening fears, we’d be a very different society.
Instead, we also have some irrational fears based on traumas or bad experiences, or those all too often "hand-me-down" fears from well-meaning, but sometimes ill-advised relatives.
Take a quick inventory in your own head... what you are afraid of?
Fear of heights is a common one, at the top of the list for many, and definitely a legitimate fear. (although some go to extremes - but there...
Maybe you would like to learn to play the piano. You research teachers in your area and maybe even call around for schedules but then you stop short of setting up your first session.
Why is this? Why is it so hard to get started?
It’s very simple. Fear.
We all have fears and many of us have learned that until we conquer our fears, we are stuck. We can’t start that project or that goal or achieve that which we so desire.
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